PROPCAFE™ Guide : 18条买房风水禁忌 – 18 Fengshui rules to follow when buying houses.

家居风水也关乎血光之灾,因此不得不慎重。根据主人的特点度身定造住宅风水。但也有一些普遍的原则是适用的,就是在居家布置中,不能犯一些风水上的大忌,否则会住得不舒适,不利,而且对主人会有不利影响。以下是居家风水布置18 条禁忌,看看你家的风水布置有没有与之冲突的地方? Fengshui is one of the important aspects when selecting a house for own stay. Although some argues that the house owners’ pat chi are important factors in fengshui when selecting own stay property, there are some general rules that we need to follow, let’s look at these general rules: – 1、入门先见厨厕,退运之宅 (Avoid property where the … Continue reading PROPCAFE™ Guide : 18条买房风水禁忌 – 18 Fengshui rules to follow when buying houses.