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PROPCAFE™ Guide : 18条买房风水禁忌 – 18 Fengshui rules to follow when buying houses.

家居风水也关乎血光之灾,因此不得不慎重。根据主人的特点度身定造住宅风水。但也有一些普遍的原则是适用的,就是在居家布置中,不能犯一些风水上的大忌,否则会住得不舒适,不利,而且对主人会有不利影响。以下是居家风水布置18 条禁忌,看看你家的风水布置有没有与之冲突的地方?

Fengshui is one of the important aspects when selecting a house for own stay. Although some argues that the house owners’ pat chi are important factors in fengshui when selecting own stay property, there are some general rules that we need to follow, let’s look at these general rules: –

1、入门先见厨厕,退运之宅 (Avoid property where the kitchen and bathroom are directly viewable from the main entrance)


2、房门对大门,耽于淫欲  (Avoid bedroom’s  door facing directly with the main entrance, or else the house residents would tend to be sex-adicted)


3、客厅在屋子正中大吉 (if the living room located at the center of the house, it would bring the luck to the family)


4、不规则屋不可做厨房  (Don’t utilised the odd space for kitchen, or else it would affect the health of the household, odd space should be used as storage space)


5.  横梁压顶,影响情绪与健康 (Avoid the large pole on the ceiling, especially on the headboard, writting table, and on top of the dining table as it would badly affect the emotion and health of the family)


6、不规则屋不宜做卧室  (Master bedroom must be retangular or squarish, odd shape masterbedroom would lead to infertility)


7、边安镜,难以安眠 (Avoid mirror near the bed, or it would affect the sleeping quality)


8、卧室不可布置得琳琅满目 (use plain color painting for bedrooms, avoid over decorating the bedrooms)


9、浴厕对,当心恶疾 (Avoid the beds directly facing the bathroom’s door)


10、常青盆栽利家运 (Greens/plants are ideal choice for living room)


11、头巨画大不宜 (Avoid hanging big paintings on top of head board)


12、整洁的浴厕才能留财 (Clean toilet preserves family wealth)


13、大门直通到底,麻烦不断 (Avoid houses with long corridor from the main entrance, this setting would lead to divorce or spouse cheating)


14、有脚之,床下忌堆杂物 (Avoid placing storage underneath the bed,  applicable on the bed with 4 legs + space)


15、屋内房门,开门方向应一致 (All doors open direction must be standardized, i.e. either all push direction or pull direction)



16、浴厕设在走廊尽头,大凶 ( Bathroom should be located at the side of the corridor, not at the end of the corridor)


17、头忌开大窗 ( Avoid big windows next to the bed)


18、柱角冲射不利婚 (Avoid Poles within the rooms are impinge (facing) each other, as it would affect the marriage/ relationship,

不论男性或女性之个人房间内,皆要避免柱角冲射,否则必会影响情绪和健康,对恋爱及婚姻亦不利,务必及早补救。 要想居家平安健康,在可能的情况下,应选择四周没有屋角射来成隔角煞的房屋

卧房的灯光对夫妇感情相当重要,应尽量采用暖色光的灯泡,少用寒色光的灯泡或荧光灯。(use warm light in the bedroom, avoid fluorescent or LED lights in the bedroom)

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