Introduction Probably one of the most exciting news or a game changer in sluggish construction and property sector is government approval on MRT3 or better known as Circle Line last month. A quick introduction, MRT3 or better known as Circle Line is expected to have 31 stations with prominent area such as Titiwangsa, Setapak, Setiawangsa, […]
Property Guide
PROPCAFE Guide: High or Low Floor? Key Factors to Consider When You Buy or Rent a Unit of High-Rise Property

When comes to buying or renting a property, it is not just about location-location-location, it is equally important to select a right unit in order to ensure you have the most value buy. However, best value may not be the case for those who buy it for their own stay. there are a few important […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Property Rental Tips by The Makeover Guys

Hi everyone! As we have just entered the beginning of year 2022, one of the most exciting and busiest time for most or at least some of us, embarking on a many uncharted journey such as new goals, new career, new challenges, new resolutions, new car and of course new home too. When we are […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Home is the Value

We seldom speak about property philosophy not because we do not want to, because we don’t know much about it, we admit. This is not the only main reason we don’t talk; most of them when they talk, they think they know everything. Recently we hear something on the topic of property value and the […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide: Buying overseas property – Singapore Property

SINGAPORE PROPERTY Have you ever thought that the local property market scene is too boring and sluggish and consider to look beyond Malaysia to purchase an overseas property or have some diversification your property portfolio or a hedge against Malaysian Ringgit against other foreign currencies, or to get an accommodation for those who send […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide: 房购宝典 – 购买房产时的120 个“不” – Part 2

PROPCAFE 又回来了!不管是投资或房购自用,MCO空闲期间是增进房产知识的最好时机。做好准备就不会在机会降临时错过了好糠头。这是PROPCAFE 房购宝典的第二部分. 如果您想了解第一部分的指南,可以参阅宝典内的链接。
PROPCAFE™ Guide: 房购宝典 – 购买房产时的120 个“不” – Part 1

You may check out our English version at!
PROPCAFE™ Guide: 10 Things You Must Know Before Purchase A Property In A Brand New Township 购买新城镇房产前须了解的 10 件事项

PROPCAFE happened to pass by few latest new township developments while we were driving around the country during the holiday season. So many marketing banners and signage to claim their accolades of being the best new townships. All sites have been hoarding up and some comes with new flyover bridge to link with other township. […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide: DBKL Caps Plot Ratio for Development in KL! 10 Things You Need To Know About The Impact of Plot Ratio To Your Property! – Part 2

For anyone who are tracking the property developments in KL last few years would have realised on the shocking high density developments spread across Klang Valley. Many of these approved projects are totally deviated from the rightful plot ratio. All thanks to the lenient and unthoughtful practices of previous government. The higher plot ratio which […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide: Theme of Property Market 2019

Introduction Time flies so fast! 2018 had passed and for many of us, 2018 turned out to be unforgettable year. For the first time in 61 years, we are having a new ruling party as government with the fallen of Barisan National led by ex-PM, Najib Razak. The new government is led probably by the […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide: 10 Common Mistakes That Make First Time Property Buyers Stuck!

PROPCAFE is happy to share the dilemma that faced by many first time property buyers. This guide should help the first timers, especially at this climate, to be more savvy when comes to property hunting. Hey, this will be the first property in your life, so make sure you get it RIGHT! Enjoy and have […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Townhouse Living Concept

Townhouse: Introduction Malaysia is generally blessed with choices and variety of housing depends on budget, lifestyle, location, size of family etc. The choice of housing loosely can be divided to strata and individual title. For strata title, you own your own parcel however the facilities, lift, common area and services such as security and cleaning […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : 75 “DON’T” In Your RENOVATION Processes

Renovate [ren–uh-veyt] /ˈrɛn əˌveɪt/ verb (used with object), renovated, renovating. to restore to good condition; make new or as if new again; repair. to reinvigorate; refresh; revive. The word renovation or short for “reno” is largely used in local lingual for up fitting a place of stay or work before we start to utilise the […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Top 10 Considerations When Buying Property In Malaysia 2017

Most of the time we don’t know what we want in our life. Life can be quite confusing when it come to decision making especially when buying a property. When you ask your partner a question whichis as simple as : what would you feel like having for meal? , where do you want to […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : PROPCAFE Property Investment Strategies in Year 2017. Whack, Keep, or Cut?

It is now year end and time to chill and at the same time think about what to do in the coming year based on what we have gone through in 2016 and the condition of economy now and future. Again, PROPCAFE founders’ whatapp group does not stop, it works 24/7. In fact, higher “intensity” […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Property Buyer Dictionary – “120 Don’t” When You Purchase A Residential Property By PROPCAFE

FORWARD PROPCAFE founders are not property gurus but a bunch of crazy property enthusiasts who just could not stop sharing property information and experience among each other. We have a 24/7 PROPCAFE’s founders’ Whatsapp group chat ON (YES, we have founders who just do not sleep at night) and over years, we have accumulated many […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Trends in Malaysian Property Market

In another few more hours we will welcome 2016 into our life, let’s embrace 2016 with grace! At this point of time, usually we will sit down at a quiet corner and listing down our New Year resolutions and some of us will try to recap all the moment taken place in 2015. What will […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : PROPCAFE™ Property Insights Sharing With KCLau

PROPCAFE™ has been kinda of quiet lately… not because of the property market 🙂 because we are brewing something behind the scene! For no reason, suddenly feel like making a weekday “shout out” here! From the day PropCafe.Net was founded until today, we had reached more than 1,800,000 page views, with an average more than […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence – Judging Criteria and Award

PropCafe recently was undergoing extensive research on property evaluation criteria to further improve PropCafe’s assessment methodology and came across the judging criteria of FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Award. PropCafe feels it is good to share it here. Note: Source: Judging Criteria For all Categories: (Except Environmental (Rehabitation/Conservation) Category, Heritage (Restoration/Conservation) Category, Master Plan Category and Sustainable Development Category) General Description […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : PROPCAFE’s Editors’ Outlook and Summary of The Property Market

This 2015 outlook was actually prepared a few weeks ago, but due to the CNY festivities, it’s been put on hold – but as the cliché goes – better late than never. These are the views of the few fellas in Propcafe – do remember whilst we are all investors here, none of us […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : WHAT’S AHEAD OF US? A Rountable Session of PropCafe.Net & Property Insight

Published in Property Insight Magazine – July 2014. Property Insight and property website PropCafe.Net join forces for a roundtable session where the two talk about the market’s issues and prospects. With a common interest in property, Malaysia’s top property magazine Property Insight organises a roundtable, graced by members of an emerging property website, PropCafe.Net. This […]

Thank you for sticking by. Now where the real deal begin, the appointment of interior designer and start work. The appointment of interior designer can be done via:- Recommendation by someone you know; Vouched through his/her work through print media, reputation, show units; For me, I want the interior designer to share the same or […]

Thank you all for sticking by. ID THEME and IDEAS Having seen what my house will eventually looked like, now I can gather ID theme and ideas to be implemented in my dream house. Internet is the easier source of references but I am more towards hard evidence therefore I started to buy a lot […]

How do you start your renovation process of a newly acquired landed home? Like thousand of new home buyers in Malaysia, typically those bought STB (Sell Then Build) concept, once you had identified your purchase, placed deposit and signed SPA, this is when your dream started. You will have thousand images running over your head […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : 18条买房风水禁忌 – 18 Fengshui rules to follow when buying houses.

家居风水也关乎血光之灾,因此不得不慎重。根据主人的特点度身定造住宅风水。但也有一些普遍的原则是适用的,就是在居家布置中,不能犯一些风水上的大忌,否则会住得不舒适,不利,而且对主人会有不利影响。以下是居家风水布置18 条禁忌,看看你家的风水布置有没有与之冲突的地方? Fengshui is one of the important aspects when selecting a house for own stay. Although some argues that the house owners’ pat chi are important factors in fengshui when selecting own stay property, there are some general rules that we need to follow, let’s look at these general rules: – 1、入门先见厨厕,退运之宅 (Avoid property where the […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : A Malaysian Guide to Home Buying Fees & Charges by

It has been a little quiet for awhile… USD is strengthening against MYR , On & Off we hear rumour about this and that, and we are not sure about the market but the weather in Kuala Lumpur as shown in the picture above is quite gloomy 🙂 Nevertheless, PropCafe.Nets’ editors working non-stop 24/7 […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : 十大大马房市预测 Top 10 predictions for Malaysia Property Market

几个月前,郑水兴大师在(星洲日報/投資致富‧產業焦點)的撰文中,对马来西亚的房地产做了几项预测, 按郑大师的预测,拟出我们的看法,愿与读者分享:- 第一預測 全球透過房產公開“籌款" 鄭水興表示,如今有一很明顯的現象,即是世界多個國家高調地利用房產興建計劃或經濟特區來吸引全球資金。他指出,新興國家如巴西已開始通過各種投資活動,向全世界招資來發展里約熱內盧,以迎接2年後的世界杯及4年後的奧運會體壇盛事。同時,我國也透過依斯干達經濟特區,投入世界級的基建招資,寮國與緬甸也因經濟特區發展而逐漸興旺了起來。 “不僅新興國家,即使富裕如中國也積極開發第二、三線城市,在南寧、成都、杭州、無錫等地方建設了多個經濟特區來招資。"此外,馬爾代夫、西班牙、德國、英國、澳洲等條件優越的國家也向世界投資者招手,甚至連美國都鋪紅地毯向亞洲國家吸引投資。房地產市場也因世界各國的推出發展計劃產生重組現象。 [ 以经济学的 Y=C+I+G+X-M 理论而言,房地产的确可以带动经济,因为它可以牵动32种行业,如建筑,装修,室内设计,家具,灯饰,房地产中介,银行,保险业等, 政府积极带动特区如依斯干达经济投资,不仅增加了政府投资 (G↑) ,刺激了私人界的注资 (I ↑),32种行业的消费会额会增加 (C ↑),也会吸引外资投资本国 (X↑),无形中提升了倍增效应(Multiplying effect)】。 第二預測 房產熱點南移 在房地產熱點方面,鄭水興發現投資者的焦點有往南移的傾向。鄭水興指出,中國藉著各種經濟活動向東南亞國家招商,日本已計劃在今年進軍東南亞市場,連美國也出訪緬甸,積極跟東南亞打交道。即使我國本身投資熱點也往南移至柔佛依斯干達。 “在我的預測之中,依斯干達在今年必定大熱,特別是新加坡與中國的投資者更加為之瘋狂,大馬投資者也會把焦點從其他城市移到依斯干達,而且同時受益的還有柔佛新山地區。"此外,鄭水興表示,全球化、歐美及中日南下的趨勢,會促使2013年房地產市場再度起飛。 东南亚的房地产的确在近期内受到许多海外关注。 【 伊斯干达似乎有过热的现象,归咎于从彼岸新加坡涌过来的投资者,伊斯干达的确热力四射,可是热力是否可持久,得看谁将成为下一届首相,下一届的巫统党内选举将成为关键,所谓一朝天子一朝臣,新上任的首相会重新规划发展区,如老马时期的布城,阿都拉时期的北部经济走廊,南部经济走廊等。伊斯干达 与前首相老马的布城有异曲同工之妙,都是以政治为导向的发展区域,成功与否,得看哪个政党及哪位领袖当家】 第三預測 東南亞房產崛起 鄭水興表示,東南亞原本就是一個很龐大的市場,從近期東西方大國都積極向東南亞國家示好的行動中,可看見他們對東南亞的興趣,如美國,近來就很注重搞好與泰國、柬埔寨及緬甸的外交關係。 他指出,印尼與緬甸將是東南亞新崛起的兩大紅星。“印尼的龐大人口消費力及低廉勞工,緬甸從封閉到開放,都能吸引外資前來投資,在突然受到全球化的衝擊下,最先上漲的必然是房地產。" 儘管如此,鄭水興表示,擁有健全與穩定的法治,大馬與新加坡繼續保持在東南亞的優越地位無可取代。“很多商家開發東南亞市場時,都會選擇這兩個國家設為區域中心,所以在金融、辦公、行政等方面的服務領域會向好,房地產也因此受惠。" 【新加坡近来政府的一系列打房政策已经凑效,外国人在新加坡置业需付出相当大的代价,颇高的印花税,房屋销售税,银行的严厉政策,冷却了外资的投资性质。相较之下,大马的打房政策还是相当温和的,原因无他,在大马,大部分主要的发展商都是国营或国资企业,打房策略如太紧绷,会影响这些国资发展商的前景】 第四預測 旅遊項目屬獨立創造熱點 旅遊地點能帶動附近一帶的房地產價值,鄭水興表示,一些地區的發展也在積極推動旅遊發展,讓其成為有別於經濟特區的獨立創造的投資熱點。“墨西哥的坎昆、泰國的曼谷,特別是澳洲的黃金海岸,都是一些房產被旅遊業帶動發展蓬勃的地區。" “我預測在2018年,旅遊相關產業如酒店、度假村、生態旅遊公園、民宿、高爾夫球場一帶的產業將是價值最高的房地產業。"他也指出,商務旅遊業在大馬已開始受注重,“大吉隆坡計劃"中振興商務旅遊業方面就包括鼓勵2013至2016年之間建立更多的會議廳及四或五星級酒店,以容納更多來自世界各地的商旅人士。 【propcafe.net大马的主要投资地点还是集中在三大城市,即吉隆坡,槟城,及新山伊斯干达。其他旅游景点的房地产业,如马六甲,浮罗交怡,亚庇,金马伦的旅游产业还是不成气候】 第五預測 有錢人會更有錢 鄭水興表示,房產投資近年內造就了很多百萬富翁,這現象在中國或其他新興市場尤其普遍。他說,富人會比一般的人較有財力與網絡透過房地產賺錢,由於今年銀行會加緊信貸條規,融資難度增高,現金充裕的人總會比較有優勢,進一步促使有錢人變得更加富有。 【不只中国,其实全世界也一样,按20:80常例,世上20% 的富人拥有世界80%的财富。打房策略越加严厉,只能打击到芝麻绿豆的小投资者,手上现金流优渥的富人投资者还是不受打击的】 第六預測 二手房市價值高 鄭水興形容大馬的二手房市像孤兒一樣沒人照顧,他鼓勵政府給予適當的關注,二手房市其實擁有很高的價值。鄭水興表示,政府或發展商不應該僅僅注重如何抬高價錢或全數售出,而應該注重買家或租戶的使用目的,因為房產的用處可以決定它日後的價值。 “如果政府引進外來的投資者,是為在大馬建立第二家園,或計劃設立多間分店,那麼這些投資者是最優質。"鄭水興舉例說,KLCC區有一棟樓的地點與發展商都很理想,可是其中80%的買家是外國投資者,2009年債務危機發生後,投資者將產業摒棄,無人使用。數年過去,該產業即成為不是很理想、投資回酬低的房產。“政府若能在二手房方面照顧好,房產會才能長期發展,這對各個方面人士都好。" […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Buying a Singapore Property? The OTP

Although our property café usually serves ‘local beverages’, we do at times provide our ‘customers’ some taste of ‘Nanyang’, from the Lion City, Singapore. So you decide to hunt for an under construction Singapore private property, and well you’ve come to a right place, let us give you a quick guide on buying a Singapore […]