Buying property in this current weak economy and generally over supplied environment is getting more challenging and it certainly needs a clear understanding of the location, type of property, developer profile, and unique selling points before you can think about the exit strategy, which come much later. Having said that, those sweet old times to […]
PROPCAFE Review : M Residence 2 @ Rawang By Mah Sing 中英评论

想到万绕镇(RAWANG), 或许有些投资者会退避三舍,或望而止步。 很多人的印象中还是把它停留在万绕旧镇,然后把塞车,水灾,发展停滞不前,联想在一起,其实不然,旧镇的方向是高速公路出口右拐,而马星集团的MR2地点是高速公路出口的左拐方向,与丰隆集团及丰美集团的 EMERALD WEST & ANGGUN 1 & 2 所属同一方向。从高速出口左拐,首先会经过JUSCO 购物广场,然后再沿着同一条路直行3公里就能见到M RESIDENCE 1, 而 M RESIDENCE 2 的具体位置就在于离 MR1 不到一公里处。 沿途中可以看到村屋,野外风景,有者说这沿途景致有如八十年代的八达灵区,但是一抵达MR 1就感觉到不一样,有如别有一番洞天。 M Residence 2 is the second project in Rawang by Mah Sing. It is approx. 1km away from the south of M Residence site. Key facts: – Fully Gated and Guarded – […]