After our review on Eco Grandeur , this time we would like to share what others think. PROPCAFE™ has a strong believe in the spirit of sharing by providing an open digital platform for the independent 3rd party to share their view, experience and knowledge in real estate to enriching the local property community to […]
Guest Review
PROPCAFE™ Guest Review: Eco Forest @ Broga by EcoWorld Part 2

Here’s the part 2 of the Eco Forest at Broga by EcoWorld you guys have been waiting for. Trust you all are ready with your cuppa. Now sit back and enjoy the rest of the review shared by the PROPCAFE guest reviewer Mr Tengster. If you have not read part 1 and would like to do […]
PROPCAFE™ Guest Review: Eco Forest @ Broga by EcoWorld Part 1

We are pleased to present you PROPCAFE guest review by our good friend Tengster. It has been 3 long years since Tengster penned his review here. We are glad to have him back! Mr Tengster is contactable via for any queries. Now enjoy sit back his sharing! The Eco Forest After all the loud noise or […]