7th Sept 2013 – This date could be just an ordinary day for most of us but definitely not for Ekovest Bhd and those property crazy like Propcafe. I believe this date will definitely be one of the most historical event for Ekovest Bhd – The Launching of Special Preview of Ekovest’s first ever commercial integrated project at Cheras called EkoCheras at their main office lobby located Jalan Gombak for the VIPs and only specially invited guests.

Credit to KDI
Just for your information, the actual date where EkoCheras is open for public booking is on this Sunday 8th September from 10am.
The event was remarkably very successful and the respond was overwhelming. Believe me.. it was so HOT until you feel like taking out your top and jump on the table and shout “Let’s Party”..

Sorry… I know wrong picture…
And the temperature keep on rising till you can’t reall stand the heat and almost as equivalent as the burning temperature while you watching F1 Grand Prix at Sepang circuit. Sorry, wrong analogy.
What I meant is as hot as the girl in F1 Grand Prix at Sepang.

but i know you all will like it!
This project is really “HOT” and how could it be possible for PropCafe.Net members to miss such an important event? So we decided to go to pay a visit as a double Zero 7 agent and do a short write and “live” report from the actual site.
Just a short brief about this EkoCheras Project and I am not going so detail into this project for today’s write because I will write another detail review about this project later.

Block J (Left) & Block H(Right)
Name: EkoCheras
Developer : Ekovest Bhd
Location : Cheras (Currently where Cheras Auto City sitting on – Opposite Leisure Mall)
Google Coordinate : 3.093004,101.738911

Land size : Approx 12 acres Freehold
Type : Mixed Commercial Integrated
Today launch : SOHO
Total Units : 1000+ units
Size : 762sf to 1327sf
Price* : From $633psf (Before Discount)
*Pricing is just an indicative. For detail pricing please contact to Ekovest directly.
We went there as early as 730am, and to our surprised there were already few property enthusiasts gathering out the main entrance of Ekovest Bhd main office until the main door was open at 900am and need not explain furthermore, the BBB party had started.

Some people say that is like buying veggie at the market and some say like pasar malam (night market) but for me who goes to Pasar Pagi every weekend morning, when I compared, it is actually more happening than the morning market I visit every weekend!

The majority of the crowd is Chinese and the age group range from mid 20’s to late 50’s.

guest listening attentively to explanation
The crowd just getting bigger as reaching noon but by that time Block J (which got discount) almost 90% booked.

Red dot means booked
Yellow dot means Bumi Lot
So we thought the party will be ending soon and PropCafe.Net members can go home but NO!
The crowd switched their attention to Block H (Without discount ) and started to pick their units there! OMG..what’s happening?
Looking at the current situation, at that time we were really thinking that this project will be fully booked even before its official launch. The crowd is so fierce and furious until I saw people actually pressing with their finger(s) on on the sales chart to mark their territory until the staff came to put the red dot sticker to secure the desired unit for them.
Well, the guy really waited for few minutes with this finger(s) on the chart! I just cannot stop trying to imagine if someone want to book 10 units, is he or she going to use all his or her 10 fingers there! And the best part is , for those who having a small palms and short fingers how to do? So from now I advise you train your finger more like practicing Piano or Guitar , it does help perhaps and if you don’t know how to play Piano or Guitar, i think it is time for you to attend classes otherwise very hard for you to stretch your all your fingers to 10 different units which is far apart at the same time! 🙂

By 1:45pm … Block J & H was almost 90% booked (excluding the 30% Bumi Lots) but the crowd still not dispersing and some even demand they wanted to book the Service Apartments (which is not available for booking during this launch).
Obviously, those who left with a big Grin on their face got with what they desired and those who coming late left empty handed.
Is the moral of this story is “Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat” ? Well I am skeptical about this statement whether is still valid and applicable to Malaysia property?
Is the Malaysia Property market really still bullish? Or are they just ignorant?
Who are actually this people?
For those who are interested to know more feel free to visit their office, like I mentioned earlier, it is open for public booking on 8th Sept 2013 Sunday, who knows you might be “lucky” if there is still unit available!!!! Good luck to you!
Their address can be found from their website http://www.ekovest.com.my/contact_us.html
Or google map
Ekovest Berhad
3rd Floor, Wisma Ekovest
No. 118, Jalan Gombak
53000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603 4021 5948
Fax: 603 4021 5943
That’s all folks ! so called “live” bring to you by PropCafe.Net.
Stay tuned for the next detail review of EkoCheras by PropCafe.Net. Coming soon!
Meanwhile please sit back enjoy and relax!
Pictures below from
Where exactly is the location with respect to leisure mall?
Updated with GPS and Google map link
M, check the gps above. Or google cheras autocity. The site includes autocity plus the shops beside.
Nice write up… how this compare with Maxim nearby?
Once I had done FULL review of EkoCheras… you will know the answer yourself 🙂
Recently another very strategically located Shamelin Star @ Shamelin Perkasa also have very good pick up rate. Property market Cheras is definitely booming.
You mean this Shamelin Star?
Very good pick up rate means? Sold out in 1 day?
dunno i should be happy or sad.
happy because there seems to be still extremely good demand for properties. and this comes from all circle of life. the crowd seems diverse enough and doesn’t seems like the affluent type. but what is the main objective of the purchase is still questionable.
sad because, before ‘official’ launch, and looking at the trend, it is looking more and more increasingly difficult for the average joes to purchase unit intended for genuine own occupancy.
i can understand if the number of units are relatively small and hence the units are catered to some inner circle, but when it comes to ‘common’ projects with relatively huge number of units, i can smell trouble brewing.
so what comes next? would higher powers intervene?
only time will tell.
in the meantime, kudos to ekovest and team.
thanks to propcafe for this interesting updates. would stay tune for the detailed version.
[…] recovered from the post BBB syndrome and the “Finger’s KungFu” incident during the VIP prview of Block J and H SoHo of EkoCheras at Ekovest’s office. Believe me not as I am still traumatized […]
I hv 2 units which my client is willing to open for interested buyer
Contact me on 0163646123 for more details
Hi i have a a few units of ekocheras straight from the developer for interested buyers. Do contact me at 0166387772 for more details..