As mentioned earlier in PROPCAFETM post : PROPCAFE™ Review: Petaling Jaya Section 13 @ Selangor the city of Petaling Jaya was developed during British Malaya due to overpopulation in Kuala Lumpur in 1950s and since then Petaling Jaya didn’t looking back. Due to the long history, the township is pretty much developed and mature with […]
section 13
PROPCAFE™ Review: Petaling Jaya Section 13 @ Selangor

When it comes to property location, everyone has his/her own favourite community and Petaling Jaya (Petaling Jaya) is no doubt one of the favourite choices among Klang Valley folks. PROPCAFETM dares you to challenge it with a survey on the most preferred “District” in Klang Valley, Petaling Jaya will surely be one of the tops […]
PROPCAFE 360 Degree View : Avenue D’Vogue @ Petaling Jaya by Inspiration Group

Avenue D’Vogue PJ has just recently VPed. PROPCAFE Team is fortunate enough to get invitation to have LSB, Lawatan Sambil Belajar at Avenue D’Vogue PJ and we feel very excited and can’t wait to share what we have seen and learnt. We thank Mr Har for inviting us to his crib at Avenue D’Vogue PJ. […]
PROPCAFE Guest Review : Section 13 @ Shah Alam

Contributor Review By : Muhammad Nasrullah This article is contributed by a property enthusiast who share the same passion as most of property lover out there. Thanks to his generosity to share his work and research with the public. His initial work of Section 13 Shah Alam Analysis consist of 60 pages and hardly we […]