PROPCAFE™ Guide : A Malaysian Guide to Home Buying Fees & Charges by



It has been a little quiet for awhile… USD is strengthening against MYR , On & Off we hear rumour about this and that, and we are not sure about the market but the weather in Kuala Lumpur as shown in the picture above is quite gloomy 🙂
Nevertheless, PropCafe.Nets’ editors working non-stop 24/7 to bring as many quality reviews as possible and currently we are working a few big one on it. How can we rest when the Developers are not and the “BBB” (BBB means Buy Buy Buy or Beli Beli Beli)  sentiment is still strong in some particular project?
On the other hand, PropCafe.Net had been approached by to share an article with us which they think it would be useful information to be shared to our readers. After screening through and much consideration, PropCafe.Net think it is appropriate and useful especially to those readers who just started to buy property for own stay or investment.
The article is in graphic form and quite easy to understand. Basically it sum up quite well of  “almost” all the cost involved in buying a property in Malaysia ..of course the article is in a very general term but we think it is good enough for refreshment and as well as another piece of knowledge for those who keen about buying a property in Malaysia.

On be half of all the PropCafe.Net readers and the rest who are reading this page now, we would like to say thank you very much to for sharing this info with PropCafe.Net

A little “ABout Us” of – iMoney is Malaysia’s definitive bank comparison website that exists for the sole purpose of helping all Malaysians make quick, well-informed decisions for ALL banking products and services currently in the market.




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2 Replies to “PROPCAFE™ Guide : A Malaysian Guide to Home Buying Fees & Charges by”

  1. very nicely done chart, well done!

    any info on other misc charges? because those seems to be varies quite a lot from legal firm to legal firm

  2. good information , nicely presented

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