PROPCAFE News : PropCafe.Net @ Another Milestone! 崭新的里程碑


PROPCAFE would like to say a big thank you to all our readers and followers over last 4 and half months. Without your support, PropCafe would not reach this far.

4.5 Months, 51 Posts , 23.5k Visitors, 69.5k Hits & 100,000 Views

As at 28 May 2013, PROPCAFE has reached another milestone by exceeding 100,000 views based on the World Press Statistics (see below). The monthly viewing count has increased from 7k in Feb to 34k in May. The average daily view also jumped tremendously from 400 to more than 1,200 in May with the highest daily view of 2,538. This was achieved by having an accumulated visitor of 23.5k. Again, these unexpected figures are impossible without your support!




当然最理想的是可以做到中英文 50%:50% 的比例。我们当中虽有半数受过华小中文教育,但毕竟这已经是N 年前的陈年往事,N 年后要重拾笔杆用中文写稿,真是一大考验,相当吃力。用中文书写,打字,学拼音,五笔,仓吉输入法,也得耗相当长的时间,比起用英文书写,用中文写得用上2倍的时间。





PROPCAFE also want to share another statistics from a different source: C Panel (see below).

C Panel

The results are shocking and encouraging!

34.5k Unique Visitors , 61.2k Visits, 244k Pages (4Pages/Visit) & 3.96mil Hits



Other than Malaysia, PROPCAFE is so glad to see the readership spreading across the world. Top 5 countries including Singapore, USA, Japan, Hong Kong, and China. We also have substantial viewing from Australia, UK, and Indonesia. See top 25 countries below.


Although the number is growing exponentially, PROPCAFE.NET is still new and learning. Those comments and compliments given might be just as simple as the word “Thank you” or the click of “Like” button but it means a lot to us. We enjoy what we are doing and we do hope the readers also enjoy reading our very amateur review.

Recent Collaboration

PROPCAFE was delighted to work with Property Time – Terry Value Publishing recently on Cyberjaya property coverage. The publisher had lifted one of our most popular articles PropCafe.Net – Cyberjaya @Love it or Hate it! and featured it in the property section called “ Get Real” in Malay Mail (Issue : 5th April 2013)




Last two months, PROPCAFE had been approached by developers, publishers, property agencies and property related entities or bloggers. We have to apology to and disappoint many of them as we are still trying to ensure the related works are in-line with our principle, mid-term strategy and target. However, PROPCAFE is still welcome any suggestion from any interested party who wish to collaborate with us.


我们希望我们的评论是中立的,是从投资者的角度去分析,不想因为受了某些好处,而左右我们对某个发展计划的看法。我们不是效仿古人范仲淹的 “不为五斗米而折腰”,而谢绝稿费和广告费,我们只是志在于,可以与读者分享我们中立的看法,谨此希望各路人马见谅。

古人有云,“贫者因书而富,富者因书而贵”, 古时候人们只能从书本上学习咨询,书也是唯一学习的管道,随着现在的科技发达,许多讯息可以通过各个管道,尤其是网路上获取。我们希望我们的部落格可以让各位读者受益,希望可以做到 “贫者因 blog而富,富者因 blog 而贵” !!    blog =

What is next?

PROPCAFE is in the midst of setting its strategies for the next 1.5 years and believe us, it will be more than just Property Articles here. We are coming out a revolutional concept of business model which not just related to property but also living lifestyle. PROPCAFE believes this model certainly will excite many of the property enthusiats out there. Finger crossed, it will happen one day!

In addition, PROPCAFE encourages all property “crazy” like us to share their view and post in the PROPCAFE as a guest editor. We are sure there are many humble and successful property gurus out there! So, please do let us know if you are interested especially for those who have strong interest to write in Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia! Hopefully, one day PROPCAFE can achieve its aim to be the first trilligual property review platform in Malaysia!

PROPCAFE will always hold a key principle of sharing independent property review with or without the commercial deals in future. We will not be here to write a sales pitch for developers but will continue to share more critical information (good and bad) so that ownstayers or investors can make an informed decision. Of course, sometimes, we as a normal human being, have our own favourite projects or hate lists. We assure you that we will give you both. In fact, PROPCAFE’s editors have clashed and disagreed on the view of certain projects uncountable times. But, we agree to disagree and we certainly treat it as the fun part of Property “TCSS”. From Love Hate Passion to Buy Sell Rent – Home is my Family!

Thanks again for those who have been supporting us! You guys are awesome!

Cheers and God bless!

Yours Sincerely,
PROPCAFE Editors (Yes, 7 of us!)

13 Replies to “PROPCAFE News : PropCafe.Net @ Another Milestone! 崭新的里程碑”

  1. hi propcafe,

    u deserve that, keep it up

  2. Well done to the Propcafe team – really going places! Keep it up guys!

  3. 再接再厉,更上一层楼!

  4. Very well write up propcafe! I like your last paragraph. It is so “Propcafe”. Chinese and Bahasa? Awesome you guys! Going to be 1Malaysia Property Blog? Kekekeke… Anyway you guys deserved that! Keep it up! I have been following you guys since day one!

  5. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Thanks guys! Our motivation is always come from you!

  6. 2 thumbs + 2 toes up for all the team members in propcafe for the great job!

  7. Well done!

  8. 黄伟安 wong wee onn says: Reply

    好样的 !

  9. well done, your hard work been recognized

  10. keep it up……….

  11. gd job bro(s)!!

  12. I have to say that this is the best Malaysian property blog I came across. Keep up the great job!

  13. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Schnitzel, thank you! The blog is still relatively new n we ll listen more feedback from readers on how to improve it from interface to ingredient. Cheets!

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