31st Oct Saturday @ Menara MBMR Mid Valley: After weeks of suffering the depressing gloomy and hazy weather, it has never been feeling better like this before for awhile for waking up in the morning seeing the beautiful blue blue sky. Remind me of someone eyes which I had come across in my life 😉 . It is the smile of the sky which made my decision to land myself to the launching event of REV.O Lifestyle Suites Bukit Jalil City at Menara MBMR @ Mid Valley (previously Federal Auto Show Gallery).

The REV.O Lifestyle Suites Bukit Jalil City launching event was held at Menara MBMR @ Mid Valley itself, and for those who do not know, Menara MBMR was built by the same developer of REV.O Lifestyle Suites at Bukit Jalil City. The sales gallery of REV.O Lifestyle Suites is currently located at the ground floor lobby area of Menara MBMR and it wasn’t that hard to miss it since by the time when I arrived I can see the crowd was already there. 😯 . My intel told me that the line started a night before and there were people camping overnight outside the building.

The sales gallery entrance of REV.O Lifesytle Suites was well taken care of by two gorgeous ladies and the crowd control was well managed. The management only allow one group after another to enter the sales gallery to proceed unit selection and booking payment. This is to prevent overcrowded and rowdiness causing any unwanted kissing behavior in the sales gallery . In other word, even when we buy property as a customer we want to have some comfort in term of spacing. We don’t really want to buy in a “Pasar Malam” (night market) kind of environment unless we are buying “Pasar Malam” product. ( Don’t get me wrong here, I ain’t looking down on pasar malam, in fact I love pasar malam and the environment 🙂 but not when I am buying property)
If we want to buy, we want to buy with class 😎
I guess a lot of new or established developers had long forgot or miss out about this especially during the good time. We are buying a product with a price tag of at least six figures and as a customer we deserved the utmost service quality and class. There is a difference buying a Rolex in a Rolex shop and buying a watch at night market. Is not the customer to determine which developer is Rolex or not , but most of the time is the developer themselves. 🙄

It is quite clear to me the intention of developer of REV.O Lifestyle Suites event was held at Menara MBMR is to present themselves to the invited and uninvited guests to have a feel and get to know more what kind of product that this developer Gemilang Eramaju : Developer of REV.O Lifestyles Bukit Jalil City is delivering. It would be a pretty good gauge by seeing their actual finished product of MBM Land and of course we hope that REV.O Lifestyle Suites won’t disappoint REV.Os ‘buyers.

Already way past noon, yet the crowd was still hovering around and there were remaining people still queuing behind the sliding glass door to make their way inside to see what is still available for booking. Today turn up crowd estimated to be more than the total units of 421 freehold REV.O Lifestyle Suites . At this time, the booking had reached more than 88% taken. Despite the soft market as what most people thinking, there must be a strong reason for purchasers willing to queue overnight and stand-wait for few hours just to try their luck.

Gemilang Eramaju is not newbie in the market, according to one of the director – “they are confident about their project looking at the proven past record, experience and knowing the market well what the market want ; REV.O Lifestyle Suites provide the right product at the right location to the right crowd.” Well I guess the turn up and result of today speaks for itself.
Not only that, the event was well organized. Gemilang Eramaju was very generous with the foods and beverages unlike those typical catering where serving typical fried rice, curry chicken, fried noodles, curry puff, instant coffee and etc. For those who visited property launching frequently enough will understand what I am trying to say.
For those coffee lovers you will be able to get free flow of full fledged coffee freshly grinded and pressed on the spot by Café Marmo and I just can’t stop myself keeping my coffee cup full all the time during the entire event.

Delicious cakes and pastries were provided and it just blend well with my coffee 🙂 and how often you will get Spanish dish like Paella, the Garrett premium popcorn as well as drink like Sangria in the property launching event? You tell me about it. I hope Gemilang Eramaju is not setting a standard too high for other developers in the coming future events, not that I mind at all and I will be glad to attend. For those who think that “Hey I am a property developer and selling property, who care about the food and beverages? As long as my product is good and affordable who will care about the food and I am not in F&B business” Well it is quite true and I agree to some extent but for me being a good developer is more than that,
the only constant thing is life is change
If you can improve and give extra alpha, why not? In some way, it will exhibit how thoughtful you are as a developer, thus in directly giving some confidence to your customer as well your potential customers. Most important is being able to keep your customer happy during entire process from before buying till the end when your customer receiving the end product. If you can do it, you are separating yourself a different level from other developers.

All in all, well done to Gemilang Eramaju and the success of REV.O Lifestyle Suites, I can see majority of the people attended the event was quite happy regardless going home with empty handed or with booking form.
Before I end here, I just have to say, I was having a problem finding the toilet! There ain’t any signboard or indication where the toilet is located until I asked or did I miss it? For this I have to minus your point. 😀
If you are reading this, you better not to miss any signage at REV.O Lifestyle Suites Bukit Jalil City! 🙂
Congratulation to all the buyers and wishing you all the best.
-Pen Off For Now – I am JJ the intern of PROPCAFE

For those who wants to know more about REV.O Lifestyle Suites Bukit Jalil City
Please click on the link below :
The REV.O @ Bukit Jalil City By MBM Land [ Executive Summary Review]
The REV.O @ Bukit Jalil City – REV.Olutionary Lifestyle Office – Part Two
From The Edge Property Malaysia – REV.O office suites 95% taken up after launch

Hi Chow. Thanks! What is nice btw LOL? 🙂