PROPCAFE 360 Degree View : Damansara Foresta @ Bandar Sri Damansara by L&G

Propcafe did a review on this project three years ago, in both languages, English Review and Chinese language 中文评论. Perhaps this project is the most controversial project in town since it was launched in 2012. It has sparked the active debates among the proponents and opponents. The opponent dislike it being a hillside development as it is […]

PROPCAFE Guide : PropCafe.Net Editors’ Choice of Year 2012 @ Best Klang Valley Property Developments

PropCafe.Net is glad to announce that the finalisation process of our Editors’ Choice of Year 2012 has been completed. Our editors (7 of us) have decided to have a closed nomination this year, with a total of 10 landed and 16 highrise property developments being included in the final round. The nominated property developments were […]