When comes to buying or renting a property, it is not just about location-location-location, it is equally important to select a right unit in order to ensure you have the most value buy. However, best value may not be the case for those who buy it for their own stay. there are a few important […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : Townhouse Living Concept

Townhouse: Introduction Malaysia is generally blessed with choices and variety of housing depends on budget, lifestyle, location, size of family etc. The choice of housing loosely can be divided to strata and individual title. For strata title, you own your own parcel however the facilities, lift, common area and services such as security and cleaning […]
PROPCAFE™ Guide : 75 “DON’T” In Your RENOVATION Processes

Renovate [ren–uh-veyt] /ˈrɛn əˌveɪt/ verb (used with object), renovated, renovating. to restore to good condition; make new or as if new again; repair. to reinvigorate; refresh; revive. The word renovation or short for “reno” is largely used in local lingual for up fitting a place of stay or work before we start to utilise the […]