PROPCAFE started to follow Setia Eco Glades @ Cyberjaya project from the ballot day of Phase A1 Charms of Nustantara (Bungalow, SMD & Link Villa) , Liu Li Gardens (Link Villa) and Lepironia Gardens (SMD) in 2012. Both Charms of Nusantara and Phase A1 Liu Li Gardens were fully taken up on ballot day. Time flies, it has been three years and now is the vacant possession time for Phase A1 Liu Li Gardens and Lepironia. Charms of Nusantara probably may need a month or two more to go before it can be handed over.
The forums like has been sharing many photos of Lepironia Gardens, therefore, here PROPCAFE will focus more on Liu Li Gardens. PROPCAFE being PROPCAFE, we will never disappoint you for sure, be it review or VP 360 degree view. PROPCAFE will not just show you the final product, PROPCAFE will go deeper to show the variation of the products (corner vs. intermediate; You Mei vs. Huan Xi) and also the changes that has been done by developer on certain units on You Mei and Huan Xi. Those who want to close up the courtyard at You Mei & Huan Xi internally/externally or Huan Xi’s extra room at ground floor/1st floor extra balcony, you will get the “benchmark/show unit” here to follow. Surely, these changes on the properties will be used by management i.e. to be standard for those want to do the same.
Let’s take a look on the delivered façade of both You Mei and Huan Xi at Liu Li Gardens. The futuristic design of You Mei and Huan Xi looks fresh to the market. Instead of the same o same o squarish modern façade that available all over the places, Liu Li Gardens’ curvy yet modern design will likely be the only one in the market in many years. Love its curvy line at the balcony. The light blue paint colour also turned out to be much nicer than what it showed in the brochure – YOUNG & REFRESHING!

What can be changed on facade? In fact, it already altered and changed by Developer for certain units. Well, many owners must be curious how it could be done. Let’s cool down, think positively, it sets a good benchmark to follow. It does look neat and tidy! See below.

Many will argue that how can this happen in gated and guarded strata title unit? Well, in any cases, if JMB/MC approves it, it can be done even under G&G Strata Title ACT. Based on our observations, the alteration on façade and internal layout is bound to happen in Liu Li Gardens because not many Malaysian can take or like the big courtyard at You Mei. Malaysian loves internal space! Also, Huan Xi’s narrow 5ft long courtyard is even worse as it cut off the space vertically throughout the unit (will show you in later section). For many, it is almost certain that it will be covered. Instead of struggling to approve and standardise the renovation on these areas, immediately management can use these already “modified” units as show units and set the approval standard. At least, it is visually available and no surprise later!
Jom…… Landscape time! There is high expectation set on Setia Eco Glades in term of its landscape. As of the date we visited the site, the landscape work is no way near to completion. It seems like gardeners and workers still rushing to put in more trees, plants, flowers and decoration pots around the parcel of A1. Backyard garden like Orchard Gardens and waterways are still work in progress. Similar to the central garden – Liu Li Gardens and the fountain which is the middle of this project. The developer needs to put more efforts to make it WOW. We shall revisit it in future date. Of course, PROPCAFE will help to clear your thirst first by the work in the progress landscape photos below.

The gateless concept in Liu Li Gardens make more space for the street and houses. The extended car porch area will surely make Malaysian happy as more cars can be parked within your home instead of fighting the “illegal” car park at both sides of the street. Well, if you see the photos thoroughly, you can see many “box-up” visitor parking lots are available at the designated area (road side). This was not indicated in the initially master plan and will definitely help for the owner’s visitors. It will reduce the “simply park” mentality here at Setia Eco Glades. Also, many other designated visitors carpark available outside and right after the guardhouse. This part, PROPCAFE brings you to see the streetscape of Lui LI Gardens. Not done yet, but it is still worth to take a look.

Hammock club at Liu Li Gardens is not furnished yet by developer and now it looks quite bare. Good news for the Liu Li Gardens owners is the swimming pool (8×26 meter) is much bigger than the lepironia’s which is located at current sales gallery. Similar to Lepironia, children playground, basketball court and gym are available for residents. Simple and not fanciful clubhouse. Harlo, with this nice environment, RM220 maintenance fees per month for such facilities and securities, you should have nothing to complain about.

SP Setia always adopts dual layer security guardhouse and no exception for Liu Li Gardens. Similar to Setia Eco Park, it provides more security to the residents where tailgating incident from intruders which happened in many gated and guarded communities should not happen here.

This section shows you the internal layout and finishing of the You Mei unit which comes with a spacious courtyard. The unit is airy and bright with many large/long windows and sliding doors. The split of living, dinning and AV rooms provide a lot of rooms for renovation ideas. The size of dry and wet kitchen is reasonably big for link houses nowadays. It could be due to its width of 26ft which is rare to find for link houses nowadays. Other than the courtyard, the length of 95ft also help to cater a big store room underneath staircase and maid room near the wet kitchen.
The size of the three rooms located at 1st floor is big and more than enough for a small/medium size family. If there is a need of additional room, one can find way to use the ground’s floor AV room + maid room area to extend an additional a room with ensuite bathroom. By doing this, ideally the courtyard may need to close up to provide more space for dinning area. You Mei has plenty of way to renovate it and if one wants to have maximum built-up, by closing up courtyard area for ground and 1st floor will make this house comes with 3300 to 3400sf. And, you know what, you already can see it in one of the units below with the help of developer. That unit will be the standard for whoever want to do it. Also, PROPCAFE checked out the intermediate unit to share the differences between corner/endlot and intermediate units. The intermediate unit looks surprisingly ok with the big courtyard. But, again, PROPCAFE believes 90 percent of the units will close it up.

Huan Xi unit comes with a narrow 5ft width courtyard covered half of the unit. To many, it destined to be covered up but be aware of the darkness of it if one thinks to covered it up as we are talking a very long layout here. The staircase stuck in the middle of the house is not ideal. However, with the extension of 5 ft mentioned above, it looks much better (see the photos in the section later).
Compared to You Mei, the rooms at Huan Xi’s 1st floor seems smaller and it comes with many corners (so difficult to take picture!). But it has the benefit of having the master bedroom at the back. It means those units come with Liu Li Gardens will enjoy the scene and view there. Again, the so called “renovated” units by developers manage to squeeze a small family hall upstair together with bigger space for two rooms. Also, there are units already extended extra room by using the long dinning area of the house. To do this, one must give up the narrow courtyard for sure. See photos below.

Quick look at the rooftop. Air conditioners piping and Astro cables are there to connect. The arrangement of having this on the top will prevent the another “simply put” mentality to degrade the façade and visualisation of overall Liu Li Gardens. Good job by SP Setia.
On top of this, SP Setia also already provided necessary cabling for CCTV (external & internal), motion detect sensor, alarm sensor on each window and glass panel. Security tablet also given together with panic button etc.
Interchange of Setia Eco Glades is almost ready. Based on internal news, it should be ready in the end of November and Sultan of Selangor is expected to officiate it. Once it is opened, it will save a lot time of to get into Setia Eco Glades from MEX. More traffic means more public will notice Setia Eco Glades. Similar to Desa Park City, you need more people to embrace the environment and attract more peoples to move or upgrade here. The chain reaction on property demand and transaction will then bring up the value of the development. Hiding somewhere privately will not help at all. But it is all down to the ambience and common streetscape/landscape that maintain by SP Setia. You can see the works are still on going including the big round about. The public jogging path (see photos below) near The Sanctuary of Eastern and Western Heritage shows that SP Setia is ready to make this place the most welcome environment for Cyberjaya folks to jog, cycle and hang around!

Before we end here, here we provide few glimpse of Charms of Nusantara. It looks lovely and the bridge from mainland to link the island together with its guardhouse is on the way!
Once the island is ready and the ugly blue cconstruction fences are lifted, PROPCAFE will definitely update the landscape and streetscape again to reveal the space and connection of islands/mainland within this beautifully executed Setia Eco Glades. So, stay tuned!
Those want to see our previous review (2years ago) on Setia Eco Glades. Please follow the link below.
Latest drone view on Setia Eco Glades by Henglai Lim.
Hi PropCafe.. thanks for the great review and details.. take note it is Liu Li garden not Lui Li garden.. lol..
Thanks See. Amended!
Well done good jobs as usual by Propcafe. Lepironia Garden review too pls? 🙂
Soon. Bro. Maybe you can pass me your key. Lol.
Well done Propcafe. Good review and same intensity of your coverage.
Can provide link to the previous article in the beginning of this article?
Would like to view the Before and After works of Setia….Kamsia.
You. The link is now added in the end of this article. Enjoy!
Thanks propcafe! very well written!
Mybenz…pls tell us what else more u all want to see. Don’t just praise us all the time. Lol
excellent job, would like to have more updates from Setia Eco Glades. do keep us updated on other parcels eg : Lepironia both phases
Great job! How about doing an update on Cyberjaya @ Love It or Hate It! V2?
@ Loen – That is very true. Can Propcafe update the Cyberjaya @ Love It Or Hate It V2 pls??? I guess back in 2012, 80% are hater and now could be 40% or lesser? or No??? 🙂 Debate as usual – ongoing!
Loen and Soros. Cyberjaya Love it or Hate it part 2 will come for sure. Many have requested it too. We want to do it BIG and OUT OF BOX this time. It will not be like part 1. Give us some times as it will not just be write up. 🙂
Thank you sir! Looking forward to part 2 and keep up the good work.
I have a few questions.
1. Why is propcafe the best property website in the world?
2. How come all the prop propcafe writers so talented?
3. When should propcafe become the prime minister?
Well done!
Propertymagnet…wow super tough questions haha.Good or bad and best or worst are determined by readers, not us. Haha. We hope you enjoy it. Back to PM, I think we better stick to Property Man :).
Hi Propertymagnet
1. Why is propcafe the best property website in the world?
PROPCAFE is not the best property website in the world yet but we hope to be one some day. When the time come, the reason is obvious.
2. How come all the prop propcafe writers so talented?
Thanks. Whether we are talented or not is not for us to say but seriously we never think that we are talented. None the less we believe everyone has their own talent in their own ways if they able to realize that.
3. When should propcafe become the prime minister?
It is not a question whether should or should not, PROPCAFE has no intention to be prime minister.
Well done!
Thanks for your comment.