PROPCAFE™ Review: Ayden @ Warisan Puteri by IOI Properties

PROPCAFE™ Review: Ayden @ Warisan Puteri by IOI Properties

Ayden @ Warisan Puteri: Introduction PROPCAFE’s passion in property review is pretty much known among our ardent readers and YES our enthusiasm is pretty much reflected in our in-depth review. PROPCAFE will review a project that piques our interest and it doesn’t stop there. Occasionally upon VP, PROPCAFE are invited by friendly owner or developer […]

PROPCAFE 360 Degree View: Avista @ Warisan Puteri By IOI Properties

The first 6 months of 2016 has been challenging period for the property market where the transaction volume continued with its downward trend. And for the first time, the transaction value dropped steeper than the volume. According to report just released by NAPIC, the transaction volume and value dropped by 12.3% and 15.6% respectively to […]