As promised… it is my “not”professional review about Rafflesia after visiting the site for the first time…..Allow me to begin with an opening poster
The epic battle between the good and the evil continues….
Welcome to “The Rise of Rafflesia”
Just for a laugh only…
serious review after this jump.. please remain seated….

Honestly speaking….it is my first time to visit Setia Damai 14 although numerous trip i had made to Setia Alam.
A quick drive around the neighbourhood , and I can start to feel a peaceful, simple and humble enclave..this is the first impression printed in my mind .Wide road , low pavement where your car can climb over and an well organized housing area.Period.
Just a short distance from the guardhouse, immediately one can see the 3storey gigantic Rafflesia on your right.From a distance, exactly same like what being commented .. busy façade. I have to agree on that. Due to Rafflesia has more than one colour scheme.. thus making my head a bit spinning and it did remind me of Disneyland for awhile.
Things start to change as walking closer the unit…
The first image that x my mind is the stretch of Rafflesia does resembles a battalion of strong army at the front line….
View from outside
The extra 10ft land
Type F
Type E
As you can see… there are 2 colours variation as I can recalled…
At a closer distance.. it does remind me of this …
One thing I notice is, the highest floor balcony is a glass balustrade but the brochure which I m still keeping… showing normal cast iron grille balustrade…hmmm wondering why it had been changed..
And from the side view…. It does look like a battleship atleast for me.
Walking pass a small garden beside the last few rows of Rafflesia.. where having cul-de-sac and nearer to green…. Those units where are nearer to it can be considered themselves lucky.
Without wasting much of time lets view what is inside..but please erase DV ID from your memory ….
Ground Floor
Dry Kitchen
Dining Hall
Rafflesia footprint is 30ft wide Vs DV 26ft.. so it is approx 4ft wider… lot of glass panel on the ground floor maximizing the sunlight as usual and giving u maximum seamless view to outside taking the full advantage of being a SMD.
I notice something which trouble me a lot is those windows or glass panel where beyond reach of normal cleaning process. It will be quite disturbing if the owner need to engage outside to clean it if it is the only alternative.
Rafflesia is more to serving 2 generation under 1 roof. Initially when I went in to the 1st Floor MBR.. I was like …emm OK it is a room with walkin wardrobe ready and nice toilet … but the highlight of Rafflesia is the 2nd Floor MBR. It is rather long and spacious.
Having said that…. After seeing Raff myself I would say one of most interesting highlight of Raff itself is the highest floor. I will wait for you to see it youself….
There is another thing which is quite interesting is one of the toilet of the bedroom behind has a “partial” double volume ceiling. It is rather unusual to have a double volume ceiling toilet for me…????
The house is equipped with Air Cond points and piping for plug and play ready.. and I did notice the door latch is somehow higher quality compared to those conventional door knob. Besides that.. all switches if not almost are Zencelo switches.
As for the car porch , I am looking at 4 cars …in 2×2 maybe can fit for 2 segment C and 2 segment D.
Since this is not a true blue SMD, where behind is half linked on the first floor… somehow I found it quite weird when it is joined….and now the question …is how much your neighbor can hear your activity for this room….hmmmmmmmmmm
Overall…. After seeing the actual product.. it is much better than I anticipated…..probably from the first day.. did not have any high expectation looking at the façade from the brochure but somehow after seeing the actual product …. It is not that bad after all….Rafflesia itself is more like a piece of art…some see it beautiful and some see it not….but the façade no doubt is really the unconventional … you have to see the actual one to appreciate it. Now after seeing it.. after viewing one can be easily very much emotionally attached and mostly likely to feel heavy hearted to sell it ….
My verdict is , I have to say it is rare to get this kind of product at 1.6mil anymore nowadays…
Back Joining
Difficult to clean
View from 2nd Floor
Side View From Balcony
Wet Kit
That’s all folks…
Last but not least
The End…