PROPCAFE Peek : Elmina – Ariza (Ph1), Keana (Ph2) & Regia (Ph3) By Sime Darby Properties

This is the first time has done a brief review of a project before the official launching, the official launching scheduled to be on 18/5/2013 Saturday, 830am – 10am for registration and the balloting will start at 10:30am.


Before we start the chronology of the event let us go thru brief info of the project :

Location x 3  

Purchasers always confused Elmina and Denai Alam.  Sales gallery is located in Denai Alam, thus purchasers may confuse that Elmina is part of Denai Alam. In fact Elmina is stand alone and not part of Denai Alam.  The invitation material only stated the location of DA sales gallery but didn’t highlight the exact location of Elmina. From Denai Alam, one need access to the Gurthrie Express Highway and go towards Kuala Selangor/Rawang direction. From Denai Alam to Elmina, it would take around 5 mins by driving.

Location Map of Denal Alam Sales gallery



Elmina is a township development like Denai Alam and Putra Heights by Sime Darby, to name a few. The phase 1 link house Ariza is the first project of the entire Elmina development. Sime Darby, as a GLC and one of the top 3 developers by assets in the country, it owns extensive land bank in this part of KLV.  With the success of Denai Alam, Sime Darby is looking to replicate the success of DA and started Elmina, Ariza is the first launch of Sime Darby right after General Election 13.

Phase 1 – Ariza – 2 storey Link (Land Size 20×88, BU – from 1935 sqft to 2400 sqft), The lake facing row at south is double frontage (from RM714K intermediate), the rest are single frontage (from RM600K), I wonder why Sime Darby can only build 1935ft on 20×88 lan size? as other developer such as SP Setia can build up to 2200 sqft on a 20x70ft land size.

Phase 2 – Keana – 2 storey Super link (Land Size 24×79, BU – 2200 sqft – subject to confirmation) – from 708K

Phase 3 – Regia – 2 storey Super link (Land Size 30 x 65 – BU unknown) – from 800K

Phase 2 and 3 scheduled to be launched in Aug and Sept 2013 respectively.

Site Plan of Ariza

Scale Model of Phase 2 +3


Chronology of the launching event

Date Remarks
13 May Received email from SA to registered our interest via email/ online   or by sms.
15 May Received invitation by SMS for the balloting invitation, RM10K per   ballot on 18 May
16 May Informed by SA that there would be 117 units of Ariza for sales, Management   will block 12 units and keep it till Vp and sell at higher premium. The   remaining 105 units, 59 units will be reserved for staffs, and 46 units for   general public.
17 May (Today) At 10:00am, around 250 Sime Darby staffs showing their interest for   Ariza, so 250 staffs fighting for 59 units by balloting.At 11:00am.  All 59 units of   staff allocation was sold, the management has no choice but to open the 46   units that reserved for public to the staffs with the condition that staff   will not enjoy 5% staffs discount.At 12:00pm. 50% Bumi quotas met. Some Bumi Staffs that bought at no   staff discounts, did not get 7% bumi discount as well, as Ariza 50% bumi   quota has met before open to the public.

At 1:00pm. Some Bumi staffs who    can’t get both staff and bumi discount pushed the

Management to open up Phase 2 for sales. Thus Phase 2  Keana start selling to staffs at 1pm

At 4:30pm – Phase 2’s 50% staffs quotas were met, so staffs would not   enjoy 5% discount anymore, Bumi quota just left few units.  This forced the Management to open up Phase   3 for staffs booking.


Updated on 5pm.

Phase 1 Ariza – out of 117 units, < 10 units left, there are still   around 20 staffs waiting for the ballots numbers to be called.

Phase 2 Keana – Total 70 + units, all North facing units that facing   Phase 3 were taken, the South Facing row (for future development) 10 units were   taken out of 30 units. 

Phase 3  Regia – Total 60 +   units, 7 units were booked by staffs.



Sales Chart of Ariza

Sales Chart of Phase 2 +3


The staff booking will be carried on until all Phase 1 to Phase 3’s staffs quota are met this evening at 17 May 2013. What we anticipate tomorrow (18 May 2013) would be as follows:

1)      All Phase 1 would be gone with the wind. Not even bones left for public

2)      Phase 2 link houses might left few units, but the developer would no longer offering Bumi discount for general public even if you are a Bumi. As 50% bumi quota would be met internally by staffs booking. Majority of Sime Darby’s employees are Bumi.

3)      Phase 3 super links are the only ones that would be available tomorrow, but be prepare to pay above 800K for this 30 x 65 land size unit.


image7Scale Model of Ariza

What will we see after 2 years?

1)      Phase 1 + 2 would be renamed from Ariza + Keana to “Taman Sime Darby Staffs Hostel” (if staffs purchases are for own occupation)

2)      If the staffs’ purchases are for flipping, we would see stiff competitions among staffs to let go their units. Apparently, Bumi staffs who has got 7% +5 %, has the strongest buffer to compete in the sub-sales market



86 Replies to “PROPCAFE Peek : Elmina – Ariza (Ph1), Keana (Ph2) & Regia (Ph3) By Sime Darby Properties”

  1. Wow .. live from Propcafe.. thanks! The Sime staff so crazy! even no staff discount also sapu..not too sure is it like very undervalue or they internal news next phase will be much higher… first time heard that internal staff sapued all and left nothing to public. Like this no need to advertise lar. Might as well only open to staff sales..
    The BU is rather ridiculous small.. with such size only manage to get 19++bu and the 24′ wide only 2200 bu.. rather disappointing and poor planning of layout design…
    any chance of bu calculation mistake since the sime staff too busy with bbb with this project LOL!

  2. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Wow..Sime Darby has a lot to explain tomorrow. It is even worse than iJM Rimbayu launch. Expect many ll be disappointed tomorrow. Non g&g…emmm….wondering wats the tp level the investors are looking for in 2 years time.

  3. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Repeat buyer should hav another few percent discount i think. If staff is repeat ll b closed to 15pc disc!!

  4. wow…speedy review before launch. I like the name ‘Taman Sime Darby Staffs Hostel’. Anybody know where is the 1prima Elmina East located?

  5. Tipah tertipu says: Reply

    This is bullshit…becoz of these peoples, others cannot afford to buy a house nowaday..making free money for themselves

  6. wa kene tipu says: Reply

    Please boycott this event make the staff no buy house any more, and let they know no opportunity to make free money!!!! 🙁

    1. the staff discount and booking priority is stated black and white in the employment letter, so there is no way not to offer this to staffs, the only way is to limit the number of units (set quota) for staff purchase.

  7. this is so called mid year Sime Darby bonus, part of the company employee benefit. actually they should limit the qty for internal staff.

    1. agree with u, many developer set quota for staffs, for example when SP Setia launch their Jati/Baiduri, staffs’ quota is 30%, 70% open for public. For YTL when they launch their Reed @ Lakefield, only 5% reserved for staff, 95% open for public

  8. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Buyer should compare this with denai alam in term of location and pricing. Concept wise it ll be no difference i think but i guess built up is smaller n more expensive psf wise

    Also though developer “may” build parameter fencing, the residents may still face the dilemma of guardhouse n maintenance fee when many probably ll ignore it n legally not paying since it is not strata title. Like other forum mentioned, landscape ll be normal non gng development and dont expect much on MBSA for the future maintenance.

    1. Most of the GLC such as Sime Darby and INP, they don’t like to do GnG or FnG.
      As long as they have overwhelming sales like this, there is no urge for them to improve their products to make it GnG.

  9. What the point open to public?

  10. Tipah tertipu says: Reply

    Only 10-15 units opened for public and now it is all gone…all sold out.

    1. U talk about Phase 1 & 2? Phase 3 regia should have a lot left. Not many can swallow RM828K price tag

  11. IRB take note.. Those staff discounts are considered staff benefits and should be taxable..

    1. Very valid point Anon. This kind of “benefit in kind” should be taxable.
      Worst come to worst, developer can offer to IRB staffs to book first prior to public opening, win-win mah….Learn from the Top leader : “You help me, I help you”….kekeke…

  12. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    It is absolutely fine to reserve for staffs but not in this sort of percentage. Only 1 unit of 599k phase 1 for public is a joke.

  13. really no joke because we are in Malaysia right? Malaysia boleh!!

  14. This is ridiculous why bother launching might as well just open to staff only. Besides may not be good investment for flipping cos too many bumi purchaser will lose out in pricing competitiveness

  15. Tipah tertipu says: Reply

    Iplonely…phase 1 only sold out..phase 2 & 3 i do not bother coz too expensive for me

    1. Me too.
      Phase 2 Kanea still investable if got good unit, but many claims that the 708K units all finished sapu by staffs. Only left the corner/end unit started from 850K…

  16. i think this is the fasted ballot ever as good as no need public ballot.
    Sime really need to re-evaluate their company policy after being so much of -ve comments about this….ubahlah!

  17. actually not fair to blame them lah.
    imagine if you are one of their staff (and i bet sime have thousands of staff), and imagine if you do not have any advantage over the public for any of sime’s developments, how would you feel.
    it’s common that companies only grants some benefits to their staff. to me it is an acceptable practice. would like to congratulate all the sucessful purchasers and wish them well be it for own stay or investment lor.
    well done to sime!

    1. Sime Darby is not a Sdn Bhd, they can’t do what they want.
      They are a GLC and Public Listed company, they need to answer to their shareholders in the AGM why only 1 unit of intermediate available for public, and all given to all staffs?

  18. Tipah tertipu says: Reply

    I wont blame them if it is their first house n for their own stay…do u think everyone of them with high salary n can afford to buy eventhough they got the advantages? i dont think so…how many SD projects so far? Only 1?…i would say rich people become richer, others? Meleleh air liur saje lah…sorry guys thats my opinion only. Same goes to other developers.

  19. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Staffs from other states also sent rep to get a piece and surely they r not for ownstay. The company like sd mus hav some csr to do. Nothing wrong to giv benefit for its staffs but it has to be handled by care n clear upfront.The episode here is SD has no proper planning on this round sales in term of location of units for phase 1 &2. Congrat buyers! But it goes to the one n the only one who managed to grad the 599k unit haha.

  20. IMHO.. staff benefit is ok. Staff special purchase is acceptable . But for being such a major developer in Malaysia, the management should handle this delicately for eg set a max quota for staff n once exceeded have to go for public ballot. Or else what is the difference between cronisym n this practice? Anyway Congratz on those successful on the ballot .

  21. Hi all, the problem is that, the public should not know the details of the staff ballotting. But of course you cannot control the words of the people. Especially in this internet era. It is unfortunate that the staff almost bulldozed all the cheaper units in the affordable Phase 1. However, this kind of practice was repeated again and again by other developers including the recent IJM. The management of SD should have atleast estimate the number of internal balloting to be taken on Friday. While maintaining to the general public that the internal staff should be given preference, due to company policy. I do not know how many time an employee will get the opportunity to buy a house through SD. But this is legally correct but politically incorrect. However, one should remember that SD is not state government. Elmina is not Projek Perumahan Rakyat. SD might lose some as well due to staff discounts, not maximizing their revenues on ELmina. But one thing for sure, they care for their staff more than the public. Kudos to SD for a successful sale. To others, there is always an alternative. Sub sales in Denai Alam, Bukit Jelutong, TTDI Jaya, Laman Glenmarie, Subang Bestari… Plenty! Chill…!

    1. No issue offering to the staff, but sold out everything left 1 unit RM599K for public to ballot is too much !!

    2. What is legally correct n politically incorrect? You mean by making something incorrect to be correct legally?
      As such a big company, SD should care for their shareholder interest in priority which is company profit. Any policy which putting the company reputation at risk is not quite a smart thing to do. The true and long term customer of SD is the public and not the SD staff. Putting too “much” care on their own staff by neglecting the public will definitely create an negative image. If I were the employee of SD I will understand the company policy of enforcing the staff quota, due to protect company interest, because for eg in extreme case where public is boycotting SD project, in the end the company will making loses which can lead to closing and the staff will lose their job eventually..

  22. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Disappointed buyers should move on and whether you ll still support sd is totally up to individual. SD has lot to learn from other big developers. This sort bad arrangement only normally happened to small and new developers and definitely not big developer standard practice.

    1. Agreed with you. SD will only damage its own brand image. Nothing personnal but a bit dissappointed to its unmature marketing strategy. Losing public support business wont go far.

      1. What to do SD “care” for this staff more than the real customer “public”… perhaps SD knows if public no buy , SD staff internal can sapu and only depends their own stuff is enough? Really shame on them on cant really determine their true customer. For those staff who really care about their company will understand and care for their company reputation more than themselves getting a unit or not… just my 2 cents…

  23. SD markerting dept stinks to 7th heaven……
    What sd care bullshits. If they ready care abt their staff, they shld be building staff housing, and not mixed public offer w staff ‘care’.

    Luckily i am not a big fan of sd product.

  24. wah…. still so many haters?
    what the public sees are mainly the leftover units and blah blah blah.
    any considerations for things behind the scene?
    any idea what actual price SD staff purchase it?
    who knows they really did set a quota?
    who knows it may be true that staff who purchased after the quota limit is paying full price?
    who knows what?
    like i said before, put your shoes as an SD staff and how would you react if your boss tells you “i’m sorry but due to overwhelming demand, you would not be entitled for any advantage as compared to the public. Thank you for your services in the company so far.”
    chill lah, everybody expect the company they are working for to look after them mah.

    1. to kochin, bro..nobody is jealous how SD taking care of their staff. We really don’t care if SD allocated the whole Elmina for their staff, SD has the power to say so.
      But but…please next time don’t open for public registration and sent invitation to public for balloting. Left 1 unit for balloting is really a joke………
      Suggest SD change their strategy for those who purchase the phase 2 & 3 will stand a chance to win the ‘lucky draw’ (unit left of phase 1). it will help to promote their future launch :).

    2. Kopi O Peng says: Reply

      I think the issue here is transparency and integrity in handling sales. Those purchasers who registered has the right to know how many % for public allocation when they registered their interest. If they were informed 99% allocation for staffs and 1% for public beforehand and public still interested to register, then it is fine, nobody need to be blamed.

      The thing is those who did not read or prior to the balloting day, will have expectation on the balloting, and when reach there only being informed that only1 unit of RM599K is available for balloting by thousands of interested potential purchasers. Purchasers do not like this kind of surprises, some bringing old folks, pregnant wife, babies, kids as all family members are eager to participate to choose their dream house. It is unfair for these interested purchasers queuing up under the hot sun for the only 1 unit available, and ended up go back empty handed.

      Being the biggest PLC in Bursa Malaysia, and top 3 property developers in the country, there are lot of rooms for improvement.

      1. Yes. i agree. In the context here we are not arguing what SD should or should not do to their staff. Tranparency is much needed. Facts needed to be informed to the public regarding this ballot then it will be fair for them whether want to go for ballot or not. I totally agree with K.O.P for those registrants who come for balloting without know the facts of the unit available for ballot. In this context, whether SD handle this issue wisely or not is up to you. For those who asking to think from the SD staff point of view, have they ever think from the public point of view to travel all the way n wake in the wee hour to come here to ballot only for errr how many units again? 10 or 1?

    3. Kochin, the fact that staff managed to get in front of line than public for most stages on offer is wrong. I knew that some staff did pay full price without discount, but they managed to get it and rest of public didnt.

      Especially when sd seens to offer this to public w email invitation n balloting process in place.

      Anywhere elmina is not for me, period. Now knowing what sd done on public offer, never again w sd.

  25. No point cryin over spilk milk. I’m 1 of of those who went over despite d leak news from prop cafe. My wife told me to forget bout it but I decided to take my chance. So I arrived alone as my wife is working and just like d rest i was quite disappointed after I saw the notice from SD at d long ” pasar pagi ” q. So prop cafe is right after all. what to do? Ma register lor since I have oreidi prepared for d worst. Midway thru d balloting,patience were runnin thin so I decided to leave as cannot tahan kencing anymore.

    So I left and was at the sales gallery when all of a sudden I heard my number naik. Terus lari lintang pukang and make my way thru d crowd as d mc will only call the number 3x! Miss it n it’s gone. Finally choose my regia unit after seeking advise from 1 of d subcon for elmina as he knows which r d ” good unit” as i saw him talking with 1 high ranking SD staff. He was sitting in front of me and his photocopy master plan is somehow different from d photocopy given to the public! He told me to pick a certain unit.

    Finally I parted with rm10k n went home quite satisfy. Only time will tell if elmina will b successful. Judging from the crowd on Saturday, I have no doubt sum thing is brewing in this township. So to the rest of u out there, hope for d best n 1 thing I learn on that day….d best thing happen when u least expect it. So chill up.

    1. Congratulation !!
      Do u mind if I ask, did you go with > 828K budget?

    2. Mr YS,we are going to be neighbour in 2 years time,haiyya..why la I didn’t met the subcon,randomly choose the unit coz only few left when my turn is u mind to tell me which jalan u bought?anyway I think 800k was a bit expensive but what to do,no choice left since in future,housing price sure will be maniacly crayzee..better buy now,or later can’t afford at all..but from my SIL n BIL experience who bought DA recently,their house is magnificently built,everything perfect(well,if u want perfect house,pls design n built your own house)..that’s y we tot,y not,sure no regret of buying this house despite a bit pricy..

      1. Hi, me cannot recall the jalan as I left my booking form at home. Me now in Melaka leh. Balik kampong. My unit is no. 39, facing NE, facing d cycling track and park. Understood from d subcon, the upcoming phases opposite my unit will house those bangalows and semi ds…

  26. No buddy…I was hoping for teana as our budget was only +/-700k. So d moment I knew I only stand a chance for regia, my palm was sweating n immediately I called my finance minister. Decision need to be make. She told me to decide…So after I saw d regia plan, I tot regia was even better. With a bonus 2 % discount n free stamp duty (easily rm16k), i told myself why not?

  27. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Well…. as wat we were expected, ariza n keana are almost not for public. So only regia r available. Congrat ys! Is it for ownstay? If not, whats ur exit plan? Whats ur min target selling price?

    1. Thanks buddy…yeah I purchase this unit for own stay, however if right price comes along, I might sell it…it all depend what happen 3-5 years down the road

  28. sigh… i am not trying to justify what SD did was right or wrong but somehow one needs to understand the complications of a launch.
    for example, a known fact i have previously encountered personally. the developer have set a date and time for official launch.
    nobody was allowed to do any booking whatsoever. the official launch date was made public with huge marketing efforts.
    staff purchase was only made available 5pm on the day before the official launch date of tomorrow. it was the same time then that the actual price is revealed to all.
    hence, the developer would not have known nor guess its popularity of its project until the actual preview to their vvip or staff or whoever they invited for preview.
    so do you think this is a fair practise?
    i’ll tell you another reason why developer did what they did back then. that’s because if they are some duration of time between staff preview and actual launch, this will allow the staff do carry out potential hanky panky with others to secure this unit. hence nowadays, developers might offer staff purchase just hours or a day before the actual public launch.
    of course there are also developers who do not offer any staff purchase as well.
    i guess the only thing Sd could have done better for this launch would be to sent out notification of available units prior to the actual launch. but then again, they would need to capture database for future launches and also those willing to wait in line for drop out units.

    bottom line, i think it is product driven. obviously, both public and staff alike like what was offered and they grabbed it.

    1. Kopi O Peng says: Reply

      The best thing is to set a staff quota. say 50% staffs quota, 50% public.
      Once staff quota is full, then staff need to go to ballot together with public if they still interested but no staff discount anymore. This is what registrants being informed 2 days b4, and SD need to adhere to it.

      By doing this it would solve all the issues, no matter whether the staff booking is done a day or an hour b4 the public balloting.

  29. Good job Sime Darby. Staff priority woohoooo!!!

  30. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Did any buyer clarify the location of Pr1ma housing at Elmina east? Jus bbb n no question asked? Haha.

  31. HOMMISAH ALI says: Reply

    I didnt get a unit went thru for balloting unlucky number, im the one who
    did AnP Elmina’s stretch frm beginning till end…..,
    kesiani lah saya apa yang saya rasa sekarang…..

  32. Noryati Ahmad says: Reply

    Me and my husband also facing the same thing, we like Ariza as the 599k b4 discount fit into our budget, we introduce this project to our colleague and relatives 1 week ago, tapi semua tak dapat.

  33. Bintang Ria says: Reply

    I have to thank to propcafe for the info prior the public ballot. Initially me and my wife decided and planned to go for ballot and had rearranged our family time on Saturday and even had made arrangement kids to be “jaga” by my relative. On Friday evening after work, i got this info about the left over unit by developer and discussed with my wife and we decided not to go. The chances very low because we are looking forward for Ariza 599k. It really save me a lot of time, traveling, petrol, tol, q under the hot sun and best of all I can reschedule back to my family time… ofcourse we are disappointed but this is part of life. Congratx for those who got it and thanks to propcafe for the info to save me lot of time. Terima Kasih

  34. Hoho dun be sore loser like pakatan. Or u sokong pakatan too? Double wammy!

    1. Cheers to the team from propcafe! Hopefully SD wil give priority for the next launch to those who register but unsuccessful on saturday.

      1. Sure, when each unit costs 900k and above….
        U will get the chance to ballot.

        Anuwar, pls dun mixed politic w property….its not funny at all…

        1. I reckon ppl wil stil buy, depending on sizes. After all its landed in a fresh township.
          I saw sum1 posted the SD masterplan in lowyat. Elmina is actually only a stone throw away from kota damansara after d completion of Dash expressway.

          1. bluwater says:

            Sure! W all highways here n there, it will be 10mins or 15mins or 20mins.

            But all highways are tolled, n the distance is scary….prepare to get held ransom by the current govt (sori not suppose to mix politic n property).

  35. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    Correct, the loc is near to KD. Congrat to all buyers.

  36. Went to denai alam today elmina sales gallery today. According to sales advisor, upcoming launch (towards year end) is 30×100 at starting price of RM 1.1 m ” most likely ” also through balloting. Crazy isn’t?

  37. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

    They are selling saffron hills 24×75 at denai alam for 678k. Should b the last terrace there. Well i could b wrong.

    1. Yes saffron hill is the last terrace in denai alam but denai alam is just part of elmina. Who know next year will have double terrace just next to denai alam?

  38. saffron hills should be 22×75 and starting 700k+ and the SA said already finish

  39. Sime Darby is crazy! Very greedy…if no one buy it…do you think they dare to markup those price?

  40. Location wise, it is still out of no where.
    1.1mil link house and non gng, good luck Sime Darby!!

  41. SD is riding on their popularity. I also called SP Setia last mth. According to the sales person, forgotten her name….they will launch super link in setia alam probably 22×75 by year end. Anticipated price is around RM 900-950k but G&G. Location is in precinct 15 around those jati, baiduri, kasturi apartment. Far deep inside setia alam.

    30×100 is considered super duper hyper link but through balloting??? My guess is public will give this a miss if SD price it at RM1.1m

    1. LOL, right now 22×75 already consider superlink ???
      In my opinion, nothing equals to or more than 26×75 will not consider as superlink.

  42. 30×100 is huge.

  43. There are so many haters just on this webpage alone, but out of those, most are with intention to buy from SD. So why hate? I think, if some people are really keen on buying a SD property, do always keep a close update on their upcoming properties. You might get lucky.

    1. Hate is an extreme words.

      Most of those who comments just think that there are much rooms for Sime Darby to improve. Being the biggest Public listed company in Bursa Malaysia, and one of the top 3 property developers, they need to lead by example.

      Sime Darby also owes an explanation to their strong supporters, repeat purchasers, shareholders and stakeholders why 99% of Ariza units kept for staffs, and at the same time informed all registered purchasers to get ready with the cheque, be on time for balloting when there were nothing to sell.

      Phase 2 Keana and Phase 3 Regia were not suppose to launch on the balloting day, AP not obtained, no catalogues or any printing materials for Keana and Regia. Furthermore, purchasers attended the Ariza balloting with the budget of 600K, not 800K or more. Just my 2 cents.

  44. This is a love hate thingy….those who r not successful on 18 May wil still return to SD during next launch despite all the frustration

  45. anyone can tell me what means “non gng”?
    I’m new and not know this term…. tq so much to who give this info…

    1. SoyCappuccino says: Reply

      G&G means Gated and Guarded
      F&G means Fenced and Guarded
      Non GnG means You are Naked 🙂
      Hope it helps

  46. sapu all the money says: Reply

    malaysian ppl really rich, 700k house can sapu so easily like buy vege at pasar…

  47. I agreed with “Kochin”. What’s with all those hatred? For not getting its share of those pie?
    BTW, SD staff still a Malaysian buyer rite? It’s not like the developer is keeping those themselves and goreng the price later (price fixing?) or allocate % to foreigners.
    Everyone needs a decent and presentable house to claim as home.
    It’s no difference among ourselves whom proudly declare as a Malaysian.

  48. great job Sime Darby. Haters and losers will hate and lose. lulz.

  49. I believe there is no haters here.
    What I can see is those who sour grapes, and can’t agree with the way Sime Darby run the sales.

    1. While I agree that SD should limit the % of units available for staff purchase, this is perhaps one of those few opportunities where their staff can purchase a home by utilizing their benefits for staff discount. The truth is, there is a quota for staff discount, and only a certain % of units are offered for most launching, so it’s not that easy to get the staff discount. And if you’re lucky enough to get it, the whole discounted sum will be added to your EA statement, so it’s taxable as well. I should know – my wife is a staff, and we bought a SD property at Melawati a few years ago. We went through the whole balloting stuff, and were thankful that we manage to secure a unit. And by the way, SD made it clear at the beginning, only 20% of the units are available for the staff discount. Just sharing an insight, so that all of us can have a more “balanced” view on this.

      1. Caffe Corretto says: Reply

        It is interesting to know that the staff discount of SD will be added into the Staff’s EA form as an additional income i.e. subject to be taxed!

  50. WTFAnonymous says: Reply

    WTF with the staff booking. So if later i want to buy house for any developer, i go work in their Sales team for better chance… this is bullshit.

  51. Prof.Dr.Ajit S.Gondara says: Reply

    i have shown iterest in sime darby prop and even regd with them on new launches but they never keep me informed even if i am a Prime member…they always offer to their preferred customers and unfortunately i am not one of them…offfering to their staff first is a BULLSHIT…I live in Putra Heights but even then i am second class

  52. Prof.Dr.Ajit S.Gondara says: Reply

    Sime Darby should start selling their properties to its staff only in the future and name the residential area as TAMAN STAFF SIME DARBY…this is HOW A GLC conducts its self interest without due regard to the rakyat…it thought it was RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN govt principle and not staff diutamakan…its a scam and eyewash but is the rakyat buying into this scam…I challenge Sime Darby to answer my email…

    1. SoyCappuccino says: Reply

      Mind to share what is your e-mail about to Sime?

  53. Milo Dinosour says: Reply

    Went to Elmina sales offuce earlier. They will be launching the fourth phase soon. 2500 sq ft superlink about 760k above.

    Overall looks like a well planned township. What I don’t understand is why it is so hot, given the pricing which I thought is quite aggressive given the distance and early phase. For 300 ringgit per sq ft, you can get a similar property in Denai Alam which is closer to NKVE and Setia Alam which already has a shopping mall

    Thoughts? I am keeping an open mind here. Looking for the next property to invest however I can’t put my finger on this one

    1. Not sure this is a commercial article paid by sime property but at least it should answer some of ur doubts here. Read on…

  54. lol u guys. Whats up with the glc thingy public listed company rakyat scam etc. When u attend the balloting u should be well aware that it is a balloting, regardless of your effort to willingly waste time, prepare cheque, queuing under hot sun etc. No one force u to come.

    And just congratulate those staffs who managed to purchase despite they also have to ballot. And its their rewards for working with the company and if they still pay the same price as mass public, the company isnt losing anything. Too bad u didnt manage to grab any but there are always ample opportunities and new launching. There are no such things as repeat buyer loyal customer etc. Those are perks not privilege. Stop being sooo sourgrapes and start ranting like little child. Grow up and get real. Peace yo

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