PROPCAFE Guest Review : Eco Majestic @ Semenyih By EcoWorld Development

Guest Review: Tengster Note: PropCafe welcomes all property enthusiasts to submit their own assessment or review on a specific project to PropCafe. PropCafe always respect the view from contributor, however, PropCafe would like to highlight that to publish the article or review from PropCafe’s guest doesn’t mean the PropCafe is agree (or disagree) the point […]

PROPCAFE Peek : PJ Midtown By IOI Sime Brunsfield

Petaling Jaya’s Section 13 has been going through huge changes since it was rezoned from industrial to commercial back in 2008, although back then there has already been the question of congestion, nothing much has actually been done to deal with this issue : Rezoning may cause congestion. Except the development of KIDEX Skyway to supposedly […]

PROPCAFE Peek : Southbank Residence @ Old Klang Road By UOA

Next to Ara Damansara, Old Klang Road seems to be the rage these last 12 months.  We’ve seen the launches the like of Suria Pearl (Aikbee Timbers),  Residency V (near Pearl Point), 9 Seputeh (Gapura-MRCB), Avantas Residence (CPI Development), Verve South (Bukit Kiara Properties) ; and further into Old Klang Road, the likes of Petalz (Exsim). […]

PROPCAFE™ Guide : 18条买房风水禁忌 – 18 Fengshui rules to follow when buying houses.

家居风水也关乎血光之灾,因此不得不慎重。根据主人的特点度身定造住宅风水。但也有一些普遍的原则是适用的,就是在居家布置中,不能犯一些风水上的大忌,否则会住得不舒适,不利,而且对主人会有不利影响。以下是居家风水布置18 条禁忌,看看你家的风水布置有没有与之冲突的地方? Fengshui is one of the important aspects when selecting a house for own stay. Although some argues that the house owners’ pat chi are important factors in fengshui when selecting own stay property, there are some general rules that we need to follow, let’s look at these general rules: – 1、入门先见厨厕,退运之宅 (Avoid property where the […]

PROPCAFE Guide : 产业盈利税 (RPGT) 后,下一步是 财富税吗?What is next after RPGT rate increment? Wealth Tax?

2014年的财政预算案已经尘埃落定,坊间对于政府提高的产业盈利税的后续影响,抱持好坏参半的态度。专家认为,RPGT 的提高,或许可以打房,但是是否可以降低房价,似乎言之过早。 盈利税从2014年伊始,在3年以内出售的房子将被征收30%的 盈利税,可是一般新房产的建筑所需时间都介于3-4年期间,所以对于那些快手快脚,建竣后即脱手的炒家影响不大,炒家只需交屋后将房产出租1-2年后才售出,就可完全避开产业盈利税。 明年开始,预计许多卖家会把产业盈利税的成本转嫁给其他买家,进而提高房地产的价格。 如果买家的资金充裕,或许可以做两项买卖交易,一则现金交易款项部分,另一则却是正式买卖合同的售价。此举可为卖家省下盈利税,卖家进而可将省下的盈利税与买家分享。 可是,朝令夕改的政府政策,无疑让投资者无所适从。以下图表为过去20余年以来的产业盈利税。从图表上不难看出,过去短短的五年里面,盈利税更改了4次。其中2014 年的盈利税更恢复了1996-2007年的税率 DisposalWithin 1996-2007 2007-2009 Budget2010 Budget2012 Budget2013 Budget2014 1st year 30% 0 5% 10% 15% 30% 2nd year 30% 0 5% 10% 15% 30% 3rd year 20% 0 5% 5% 10% 30% 4th year 15% 0 5% 5% 10% 20% 5th year 5% 0 5% 5% 10% 15% […]